Projects funded from the National Ecological Fund during the years 2011-2016

Over 2.1 billion lei (more than 100 Millions Euro) approved the National Ecological Fund (NEF) for financing during 2011-2016. These amounts have been allocated to 1 771 projects, many of which are tranches of bigger applications.

During the years 2011-2016 they had thirty-three sessions of the National Ecological Fund Management Board. Annually, the council has four to seven meetings. Five meetings have been convened, where only one project has been approved for funding. The Council has been convened once for two projects and once more for six other projects. At the other meetings 19 to 163 projects were approved for financing, the total approved amounts ranging between several million and 230 million lei.

Download data in digital format (updated 29.12.2017):

Data Structure and Details
The data of the projects approved for financing from the National Ecological Fund in the period 2011-2016 were collected from the official sources and contain the following columns:

  1. File number,
  2. NEF meeting number,
  3. NEF meeting date,
  4. Project,
  5. Beneficiary,
  6. *Unique Locality Code (numeric), Example: 100
  7. *Unique Locality Code (text), Example: CUATM-0100,
  8. **Beneficiary type,
  9. Contract number,
  10. Contract date,
  11. Contract execution term,
  12. Amount approved,
  13. Amount requested,
  14. Additional agreement execution term,
  15. Project total cost.

* For each project was introduced the unique identification code of the locality from the Classifier of the administrative-territorial units of Moldova (CUATM).
** Classification operated by us.

DISCLAIMER. The data presented were processed automatically and manually and have an informative character. We do not take responsibility for the accuracy and timeliness of the data.

Analytical data visualization involves detailed and interactive data viewing and analysis. Several high-interest values can be selected and the visualizations automatically adjusts to the indicated set of values. Instructions to access analytical data visualization APPLICATION.

Examples of data Visualizations from analytical APPLICATION (print screen):

The database and visualizations were developed with the support of the project “Strengthening Civil Society Capacity in the Field of Open Data Use”, implemented by the United Nations Development Program and financed by SlovakAid’s Transition of Knowledge and Transition Experience Program.

All opinions belong to the author / author and do not reflect the official position of UNDP Moldova, the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the Government of the Slovak Republic or their affiliates.

In press:
(RO) Database // How the financial resources of the National Ecological Fund were distributed during 2011-2016, 25/01/2018